my name is ali turetzky. i am from the san francisco bay area and love both ballet and baking. i have been training at the san francisco ballet school for the past 4 years. i am excited to share my passion for food (especially sweets) with you all.

-thanks for reading
-xoxo, ali

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


We thought that classic Parisian Lemon Madeline cookies would be the parfait way to begin our blogging adventures. We both loved the idea of using my newly inherited, authentic Laudree cookbook and the lemon cookie recipe practically jumped off the page. After glancing over the ingredient list and seeing that we needed two lemons, we simply ventured out to my backyard where Lauren had her first encounter with a lemon tree. Hailing from Seattle, Washington this blonde had never experienced the joy of lemon picking...a thorn-pricked hand and half a shrub later, she realized this probably wasn't the thing for her. That behind us, we continued with the task at hand.

The recipe was fairly easy and we finished the dough in what seemed like five minutes. The next thing on our list: the taste test. The cookie dough passed with flying colors. The batter was out of this world and we practically had to pry the spoons out of each others hands so we would have enough left to make the actual cookies. The only downside to this entire process was the refrigerating time. The two of us couldn't wait to get our hands on a warm madeline pulled right off the tray, but unfortunately the dough had to chill for twelve hours. After patiently waiting until the morning, our taste buds were ready for what was to come. We popped the cookies into the oven and ten minutes later: BAM! Heaven. These cookies were splendidly delicious and tasted fabulous dunked into a fresh cafĂ© au lait. 

We can't wait to share more of our recipes and food adventures with you. More to come soon! 

Au revior,

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